Alimony—which is also commonly known as spousal support—is a form of monetary compensation paid from one spouse to another following a divorce. Alimony payments are intended to provide financial support for spouses who sacrificed some of their earning potential during the course of the marriage. A seasoned Miramar alimony lawyer could advise you on whether spousal support may be necessary in your divorce case.
There are many types of alimony, none of which are guaranteed in a divorce. Given that the courts have the final say on whether alimony is necessary, you could benefit from discussing your rights with a knowledgeable family law attorney.
Because spousal support can serve multiple purposes, there are different types of alimony that may be awarded under the law. An experienced Miramar spousal support lawyer could provide insight into what types of spousal support may be available in a particular divorce case.
Some forms of spousal support are designed for the short term. Temporary alimony is intended to provide for a spouse while the divorce plays out in court. As such, it is only available until the final decree has been entered.
Courts often award durational alimony in cases involving relatively moderately termed marriages. With durational alimony, the court sets a specific time limit on the alimony payments that will not last longer than the total length of the marriage itself.
Bridge-the-gap is a form of short-term alimony. These funds are designed to help a spouse transition to self-sufficiency and provide what they need to live without a spouse.
The purpose of rehabilitative alimony is to provide an individual with the means to begin earning a living on their own. This could include paying costs related to education or vocational programs for that person’s newly chosen profession.
For couples who have been married for many years in a long-term marriage, the court could award permanent alimony. These spousal support payments are designed to last forever. They are awarded when a court determines an individual will never be able to achieve the standard of living they enjoyed while married on their own. However, they can be modifiable and terminate under certain conditions.
The courts that set an alimony award typically retain the power to modify or even terminate that award in the future. Generally, both parties have the right to petition the court to make modifications to an alimony award at any point as long as there is a material change in circumstances. These material changes could involve one spouse seeing a dramatic decline or increase in income that was unanticipated during the divorce.
However, there are some exceptions to these potential modifications. If both parties agree in writing during the divorce that the amount of alimony cannot be changed, that agreement can be upheld by the court. Additionally, The court may not modify bridge-the-gap alimony. A skilled alimony attorney in Miramar could help an individual determine whether modifying an alimony order is appropriate in their situation.
Given the complexity of alimony laws, it is understandable if you have questions about spousal support during the divorce process. A dedicated attorney from our firm could help you understand how alimony works and how your divorce case could be impacted by it.
Let a capable Miramar alimony lawyer help you fight for or against a spousal support award. Call us today to schedule a confidential consultation.